As though in compensation for our steamy, hot summers in south Louisiana, the air is filled with the heady scents of Magnolias, Gardenias and Roses. I’m very fortunate to have all three outside my door. I’ve been enjoying photographing them and thought I would share a few of my images.
Magnolia Grandiflora
The magnolia grandiflora is native to our area. The trees in my yard, some 80-100 feet tall, are close to 100 years old. They’ve been blooming profusely this summer. Although the blooms don’t last very long there seems to always be more opening as the older ones are spent. The rich scent lingers in the air as the blooms open.
(Click on an image to enlarge)
Gardenias also have a memorable fragrance. A little softer than the magnolia, and perhaps, a bit more exotic. We had quite a bit of rain when they were in their prime so I didn’t get a lot of images.
The roses are always special for me. These were planted by my husband’s grandmother and are probably 80-100 years old. Hurricane Ida took a toll on the bushes, but they’ve rallied back a bit.
The Peggy Martin rose was given to me by a friend. It’s a climbing rose. It came from a bush that survived Hurricane Katrina eleven years ago. Last year this one survived Hurricane Ida. A very hardy rose.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the images. I’ve more to share at a later date. And, I still have more horses to share from my California trip. I hope you’ll join me for both.
My website update is almost complete. It’s been a challenge as change always is, but we’re almost there.
Thank you so much for your comments! I do appreciate them, and I learn from you. Your feedback is important to me.
Until next time, Cheryl
Betty Carol Carr
18 Jun 2022Thank you Cheryl for sharing your photography talent. Your photos are always such a joy to see, they are all so interesting and beautiful. I hope you will continue to share with the world to enjoy! BCC
Cheryl Schneider
21 Jun 2022What a nice compliment! Thank you so much. ❤️❤️❤️
Edwin Cohen
18 Jun 2022Beautiful, as usual.
Cheryl Schneider
21 Jun 2022Thank you, Ed!!!
sylvia rourke
21 Jun 2022Stunning images,
Cheryl Schneider
21 Jun 2022Thanks so much, Sylvia! 😊
Sandy Baham
21 Jun 2022Cheryl I love looking at all of your images but my favorites are the florals and especially the magnolia blooms. That first one, budding is stunning. Would it be possible to purchase a copy?
Cheryl Schneider
21 Jun 2022Thank you so much, Sandy! The magnolias are my favorite to photograph. I’m happy that you like them. I’ll message you shortly with a link where you can purchase a copy.